
This page is a companion page to the keyness analyses in my book Language and Television Series: A Linguistic Approach to TV Dialogue (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

In this book I discuss the items that are ‘key’ when SydTV-Std (partially standardized version of SydTV) and the Longman Spoken American Corpus/LSAC (~5 million words of American English conversation produced by different speakers in the 1990s) are compared to the AmE06 corpus (~1 million words of published general written American English, mostly from 2006). Here are the lists of key items:

I also analyse the items that are ‘key’ when SydTV-Std is compared against the LSAC. The analysis is based on these lists:

If you want to undertake keyness analyses of different sub-components of SydTV, you can do this through this online interface.